Berlin, 07. Juni 2021. Die Errichtung des neuen Quartier Heidestrasse hat einen weiteren Höhepunkt erreicht: Der erste Bauabschnitt des künftigen Bürohausensembles QH Track, das die neue Europacity nach Westen hin abschließt, ist im Rohbau fertiggestellt. Zum Richtfest begrüßte am Montag Thomas Bergander, Geschäftsführer der Quartier Heidestraße GmbH, den Regierenden Bürgermeister Michael Müller sowie Dr. Martin Heinig, Managing Director SAP Labs Berlin und Head of New Ventures & Technologies.

  • Richtkranz in Anwesenheit des Regierenden Bürgermeisters Michael Müller und
    Martin Heinig, Managing Director SAP Labs Berlin, gehoben
  • Im QH Track entstehen rund 133.000 Quadratmeter BGF Bürofläche inklusive
    000 Quadratmeter Mietfläche für den neuen digitalen Campus von SAP
  • Neuartiges Digitalisierungskonzept wird in das Quartier integriert
Topping-out ceremony in Quartier Heidestrasse
Bildrechte: Quartier Heidestraße GmbH / Christian Kruppa v.l.n.r.: Dr. Martin Heinig, Managing Director SAP Labs Berlin und Head of New Ventures & Technologies, Michael Müller, Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin Thomas Bergander, Geschäftsführer Taurecon Real Estate Consulting GmbH.

Forerunner in digitalisation

A new digitalisation concept is being integrated into the entire neighbourhood to comprehensively network office users, future residents, retailers, various services, and the mobility infrastructure. After analysing user needs and what is technologically feasible, the data was used to develop a range of innovative digital modules. Users can freely combine these modules at the neighbourhood and building level and in individual commercial and office premises and private residences. According to their requirements, users can put together a ‘digital ready’ package, with the possibility of integrating further add-on services later on. For businesses in QH Track and their employees, having access to these digital options and local offers via an app is an added bonus. As a result, the entire neighbourhood will become a unique networked campus.

Michael Müller, Governing Mayor of Berlin, spoke at the event:

“Quartier Heidestrasse makes an important contribution to Berlin’s ongoing reputation as an international hotspot for innovation. SAP has contributed to many chapters of Berlin’s success story, and their decision to build a digital campus here shows us the company remains an important driving force within our city. The new campus sends a strong signal that Berlin is still a top location for science, research and innovation—and an example of what the proverbial ‘Berlin mix’ can look like in the 21st century.”
Dr Martin Heinig, Managing Director SAP Labs Berlin and Head of New Ventures & Technologies, also spoke: “SAP has been an integral part of the Berlin ecosystem for over 30 years. Berlin’s strength is characterised by start-ups, tech companies and drivers of innovation. SAP fits perfectly into this network, and with Quartier Heidestrasse’s central location, it is in a perfect position to take advantage of synergies, discover inspiration, and set new directions. SAP is establishing an important centre here, which will provide plenty of space for our employees and help us attract new talent. Our digital campus is the realisation of a vision that will deliver an exceptional experience for our customers and partners and embody SAP’s innovative strength.”

Vibrant and liveable neighbourhood

Thomas Bergander, who is also Managing Director of Taurecon Real Estate Consulting, at the topping-out ceremony: “It is great to see our neighbourhood becoming more and more lively. Our task was to create an urban yet ecologically sustainable, innovative and smart neighbourhood where people could feel at home and where living, working, and leisure can come together. In doing this, we embraced the concept of the ‘campus’ and infused it with the advantages and possibilities of innovative technologies so that we could create a vibrant and liveable neighbourhood.”
QH Track is a 550-metre-long office complex with around 133,600 sqm GFA, providing approximately three-quarters of the office space in Quartier Heidestrasse. Five towers up to fifty-five metres high characterise the striking design from EM2N architects and will provide future tenants with their own address and prominent identity.

The complex integrates three different building typologies. The first is called ‘Warehouse’ with ceiling heights up to four metres, exposed concrete elements and ‘rough’ architecture. The second is ‘Pencils’, which are high-rises with fantastic 360°-views, and the third is ‘Headquarters’, designed for single-tenant letting with the potential for customised use.
QH Track will provide workspaces for up 8,500 people—conveniently located in the centre of the city, with short walks to green open spaces and the neighbourhood’s central square for restaurants and shopping.

Quartier Heidestrasse: Smart, Sustainable Living and Working

Quartier Heidestrasse is being developed as a mixed-use neighbourhood on an 8.5-hectare site in the heart of Berlin. It is planned to integrate modern living and working in all their myriad forms. The development comprises seven building projects with approximately 199,600 sqm total GFA available for office and commercial use, a hotel, a day-care centre and more than 940 rental apartments with around 95,400 sqm GFA. Since January 2021, tenants have begun moving into QH Core, the centrepiece of the neighbourhood. The entire development is scheduled for completion in 2023.

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